
Annual re-registration dates

Summer term from 1.12. bis 31.01. of each year
Winter term from 1.06. bis 31.07. of each year

Semester fee for re-registration

In accordance with § 21 Paragraph 1 of the State University Act, students must register for further studies each semester (re-registration) and pay the fees and contributions due.

Payment of the semester fee must now be made exclusively by bank transfer to the account of Wismar University of Applied Sciences.

Please also take note of the different bank transfer periods. The latest date for a timely re-registration is the receipt of payment on the account of the University of Applied Sciences on 31.01. for the summer semester and 31.07 for winter semester (Cut-off deadline, the receipt of money on the account of the University of Applied Sciences Wismar is decisive).

Availability Service Point

On site

On site

Location & Opening hours

House 1 / Room 150

Monday and Thursday
10:00 to 15:00
Tuesday and Wednesday
10:30 to 13:00

Telefone: +49 (0)3841/ 753-7503



Booking an appointment in advance is advantageous to avoid long waiting times!
Appointment booking for english speakers »

Payment by bank transfer

Empfänger/Payee: Hochschule Wismar
Institut/Bank: Sparkasse Mecklenburg Nordwest, Am Markt, 23966 Wismar
IBAN: DE19 1405 1000 1000 0183 30
Verwendungszweck/Reason for payment: "Name u. Matrikelnummer" Rückmeldung/“Name and enrolment number” Re-registration

For international money transfers:
Dezernat/Office: Studentische und akademische Angelegenheiten/Student and Academic Affairs

Amount of the semester fee for the winter semester 2024

Term contribution for Wismar Warnemünde
AStA contribution 10,00 € 10,00 €
Student Union contribution 93,00 € 93,00 €
Re-registration fee 3,50 € 3,50 €
Term ticket Rostock/Warnemünde canceled 176,40 €
Culture ticket canceled 5,00 €
Total term contribution 106,50 € 287,90 €

Please note

Students who fail to pay the term contribution or the contribution in the full amount for re-registration will not be re-registered. Failure to re-register will result in the student being removed from the student register in accordance with Article 17 (3) LHG M-V (Regional University Act).

Have you not yet reported back ...

Delayed re-registration

Pursuant to Section 21 (1) of the LHG, students must register for further studies each semester and pay the fees and contributions due in this connection.
The deadline for re-registration for the winter semester is 31.07.
According to the statutes on the levying of fees, contributions and payments at Wismar University of Applied Sciences, late fees are payable in the event of late re-registration (receipt of payment of the semester contribution on the account of the university).

Location Wismar:
Term contribution: 106,50 €
Fine for delay in re-registration until 31.07.2024: 5,50 €
Total contribution until 31.07.2024: 112,00 €

Fine for delay in re-registration after 01.09.2024: 28,50 €
Total contribution after 01.09.2024: 135,00 €

Location Warnemünde:
Term contribution: 287,90 €
Fine for delay in re-registration until 31.07.2024: 5,50 €
Total contribution until 31.07.2024: 293,40 €

Fine for delay in re-registration after 01.09.2024: 28,50 €
Total contribution after 01.09.2024: 316,40 €

Students who fail to pay the term contribution or the contribution in the full amount for re-registration will not be re-registered. Failure to re-register will result in the student being removed from the student register in accordance with Article 17 (3) LHG.